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S/S & Catering Equipment

Home : S/S & Catering Equipment


Our experience in safety and public health issues, makes Global Air able to offer solutions on special metal constructions (inox, galvanized) which have to do either with the ventilation or the air conditioning plant or with the catering areas of your business:
·        Water collectors
·        Air grilles
·        Special constructions for distribution of air
·        Ventilation constructions over cooking appliances
·        Chambers
·        Galley inox constructions & surfaces 
·        Refrigerators’ grilles
Catering equipment
Our range of equipment in this field includes:
·        Freezers
·        Ice machines
·        Counter refrigerators
·        Display refrigerators
·        Mini bars
·        Water dispensers
·        Wine display refrigerators, etc.
And of course spare parts for all above.
Some of our trading brands: Brema, Scotsman, Ice-O-Matic, Haldex, Sevel, Tefcold, Manitowoc, etc.
We offer competitive prices and high quality from well known European and American makers.


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30, Messologiou Str. & Etolikou Str., 18545 Piraeus - Greece * Tel: +30 210 41 30 644 * Fax: +30 210 41 30 614

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