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Home : References
Cruise Ships and Yachts
·        Festival Cruises (spare parts and service)
·        Royal Olympic Cruises (service and handling of guarantee claims)
·        Majestic International Cruises / Chart World (installation of sprinkler, spare parts)
·        Elysian Cruises (service)
·        Sete Yacht Management / Privatsea Yachting (service – maintenance and repairs of a/c and provision cooling plants) 
·        Vships (repairs – ventilation conversions)
·        Easy Cruise (repairs, conversions and installation of new plants)
·        Seven Seas Radisson Cruises (start up of HVAC plant)
·        Epirotiki Lines (maintenance)
·        Royal Caribbean International (modification of air handling units)
·        Pullmantur Cruises (spare parts, installation of new plants, conversions)
Ro-ro, cargo and other type ships
·          Blue Star Ferries (long term maintenance service, repairs, conversions and installation of new plants, spare parts)
·          Superfast Ferries (long term maintenance service, repairs, conversions and installation of new plants, spare parts)
·          ANEK Lines (installation of chambers on board ELYROS)
·          Kallisti Ferries (repairs, conversions and spare parts)
·          Vships (conversions)
·          Cosmoship Management (spare parts)
·          Hellenic Navy (spare parts)
·          Magna Marine (replacement of R22 & service)
Catering enterprises and buildings
(repairs, maintenance, installation of new plants, long term service contracts, conversions)
·          Gefsiploia / Goody’s and Flocafe on board vsls
·          Olympus Plaza Catering/ Everest coffee shops on board vsls
·          Venetis Bakery
·          Attica Group (Blue Star Ferries / Superfast Ferries) premises
·          Magna Marine premises
·          ISS Facility Services
·          Athenian Brewery (Heineken Beer factory)
·          General Hospital of Athens “ALEXANDRA”
·          Classical Hotel “MAKEDONIA PALACE” Thessaloniki
·          General Hospital of Thessaloniki “PAPAGEORGIOU”
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